Membrane Touch Screen Printing

first surface printing

Membrane Touch Screen Printing

The Autotype guide to screen making products for Membrane Touch Screen Printing

Membrane Touch Screen printing can be split into three main process categories:

  1. First Surface printing
  2. Second Surface printing
  3. Circuitry Layer printing.

There are several differences in the key requirements for each stage which will impact on the product selection. The following pages cover the recommendations for each stage in the process.

First surface printing covers the following applications:

  • Fototex texturing varnish for use on Autoflex
  • Windotex windowing lacquer for use with Autotex
  • Print and Peel peelable ink for use with all industrial films
  • Fototex 3D for use on Autoflex

Key requirements:

Key screen requirements for printing first surface images:

  • Screens that are quick and easy to produce
  • Good print reproduction and minimal static generation
  • No surface tack and good durability - zero colour bleed
  • Easy to decoat, or suitable for archiving for repeat jobs

Screen making products recommendations for first surface printing

Autotype degreasers

A well degreased screen is critical for long print runs. A few minutes spent preparing the screen will dramatically improve the durability of that screen and prevent costly remakes.

Autotype stencils first surface printing

The stencil is the heart of the process and a good quality stencil can literally make the difference between a profit and a loss. Select the best stencil for your application based on the inks you are using and the type of printing you do.

Autotype solvents first surface printing

 Autotype decoaters first surface printing

Remove PLUS emulsion stencils quickly and easily with one of our Autostrip products. Choose from a powder, gel or concentrate to meet your needs.

Autotype haze removers first surface printing

A good haze remover is an essential tool for reusing screens many times and there are not many stains that cannot be removed with one of the Autotype Haze Removers.

Colour coding key


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