Environmental, Health & Safety

At MacDermid Autotype we are committed to the Environment and Health & Safety in the work place.

Environmental, Health & Safety

At MacDermid Autotype we maintain high standards of environmental, health and safety management in everything we do. Our Global Environmental, Health and Safety Policy lies at the heart of our culture and forms an essential part of our business strategy.


MacDermid Autotype is committed to producing products and providing services to customers in a safe, responsible manner that respects the health and safety of our employees, the environment, our customers, our shareholders, other interested parties and the communities in which we operate. Our guiding principles are:

PROVIDE a safe and healthy work environment and ensure that personnel are trained, informed and motivated to act safely and with respect to the environment.

ASSESS aspects and impacts of our activities and materials carefully and take into consideration human health and the environment by integrating principles of risk control, engineering, pollution prevention, waste reduction and energy efficiency in order to minimize the environmental impact of our business and to provide environmentally responsible stewardship of our products throughout their life cycles.

COMMITTED to design and implement EHS systems to minimize risk, identify opportunities and produce a safe job environment as well as to generate sustainable solutions for prevention of pollution, protection of the environment and prevention of accidents.

PARTICIPATE and consult with our employees regarding EHS activities and engage in open communication with authorities, organizations and the public.

MEET OR EXCEED all applicable environmental, health and safety laws, and related legal requirements in all the countries where we operate.

ALLOCATE necessary resources to fulfil our strategies, training and programs that bring value and awareness to the entire organization.

ENSURE that every employee has a personal and collective responsibility to maintain a healthy and secure workplace, promote safe working practices, and actively participate in reporting unsafe conditions/ acts to reduce risk.

ENCOURAGE suppliers, distributors, and customers to incorporate EHS principles in managing their businesses.

CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVE our EHS performance, Management Systems and set EHS objectives in line with the strategic direction of the business by utilizing Six Sigma continuous improvement methodology to reduce variability in our business / manufacturing processes as our commitment to sustainability.

MacDermid Autotype considers Environment, Health, Safety (EHS) and Sustainability to be a Core Value and a key management responsibility to lead by example as well as the responsibility of every employee, essential to its corporate citizenship and business success.

Further Information

We provide safety data sheets (SDSs) for all products manufactured by MacDermid Autotype which contain information relating to safe handling and use, storage, shelf life and disposal. If you have any questions relating to our products or manufacturing in relation to health and safety please click here to send in your enquiry.

MacDermid Autotype (formerly Autotype International) was the first supplier of its kind to become accredited to the international standard for Environmental Management systems, BS EN ISO 14001. We have been operating an environmental management system of this type since 1993 and were fully accredited in 1996.

Please click on the link to download our Environmental ISO 14001 Certificate of Approval.

A system is in place for responding to local environmental issues and dealing with resident’s enquiries. Please contact us for further details.


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